Tuesday, April 08, 2008

The 2nd Canada Chin Christian Conference



Salai Cung Cin

500 Young Street

Winnipeg, MB, R3B 2S6


Ph/Fax: (204)582-7579

Cell: (204)296-7579

Email: scin3@shaw.ca

The 2nd Canada Chin Christian Conference

The second Chin Christian Fellowship of Canada Conference was successfully held from the 29th June to 1st of July, 2007 at Granville Chapel, 5901 Granville Street, Vancouver, British Columbia, V6M 3C9, Canada. A total of more than 210 Chin delegates across Canada attended the Conference.

Resolution No.1

- On the matter of CCFC future administrative operation, by a unanimous consensus, the meeting agreed to continuously readopt the existing organizational structure, which is led by coordinator and assistant coordinator.

Resolution No. 2

- The meeting agrees to legally register the CCFC with the Canadian government.

Resolution No. 3

- By an overwhelming majority agreement, the meeting decides to hold the next Chin Christian Fellowship of Canada Conference in 2008. The next Chin Christian Fellowship of Canada Conference after 2008 shall be determined by the 2008 Conference.

Resolution No. 4

- In terms of the venue of the next Chin Christian Fellowship of Canada Conference, delegates attending the meeting have expressed their sincere wish to hold the next conference at Kitchener, Ontario. However, aware of and in respect of the fact that no official voice from the proposed host Kitchener Chin Christian Fellowship (KCCF) proposing that the next conference be held at Kitchener was received, the meeting decides to approach the Chin community and Kitchener Chin Christian fellowship for the possibility of holding the next Chin Conference. Therefore, the meeting agrees that, in consultation with Kitchener Chin Christian Fellowship, CCFC leaders shall determine the Conference venue.

Resolution No. 5

-To continuously coordinate the CCFC works and organizing efforts necessary for the implementation of the next Conference and that of the CCFC future activities, the meeting, by a unanimous consensus re-elected "Salai Cung Cin" (Manitoba Chin Christian Fellowship) as Coordinator, Pu Mang Bik of Ottawa Chin Baptist Church as assistant coordinator, and "Pu Vanlal Dika of Calgary Burmese Christian Fellowship as a treasurer.

Resolution No.6

- By a unanimous decision, believing that all Chins are apart or member of their respective local churches, the meeting agrees to accept the sole representatives sent by each church or fellowship. Therefore, no individual representative will be accepted.

For more information, please contact the Coordinator.

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